The Henson Journals

Tue 8 July 1913 to Sun 13 July 1913

Volume 18, Pages 378 to 379



Tuesday, July 8th, 1913.

Budworth and Bayley came to see me respecting the laying of the Foundation Stone of the new school house on the 30th July. The former undertook to have the article on the school prepared for the 'Times': I undertook to write to the Bishop.

In the afternoon, I went with Knowling, Bayley, and Rowlandson to visit the estates, according to the statutes. We inspected a number of cottages: & had tea with a farmer named Hardy – a hearty person who gave us an honest welcome.

Olive Smith came to pay us a visit. She has grown a fine young woman, & carries herself well.

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I telegraphed to the Dean of St Alban's declining attendance at the Deans' meeting on the score of chill & voicelessness. On Wednesday, the 9th July, I took Olive over the Cathedral, & found her an exceedingly appreciative disciple, very different from the gapping praters, whom one commonly meets in such functions. On Friday, the 11th, we (Ella & I) dined with Bp. Tucker, & met the young Kabaka of Uganda & his chiefs, with Mr Sturrock, the tutor & bear–leaders.

On Saturday, the 12th, Harold Knowling came to spend the week–end. We had a small dinner party that evening, & here Olive distinguished herself again by singing some Scotch songs after dinner, while Harold played accompaniments. The Bishop of Edinboro was of the party: also Mr & Mrs Cavendish.

[The B. of E. told Harold a story of his being troubled by a ghost or something analogous when he slept in the King's Room. Of course the boy took it very seriously to heart, and went to bed quakingly receptive. He came down the next morning with a fine story of a troubled night. He seems to have spent most of the time in a fearful vigil, waiting for the day! His concern was sufficiently evident to make us think it well to transfer him to my dressing room, where he slept soundly. This seems to be a plain case of suggestion.]