The Henson Journals

Mon 7 July 1913

Volume 18, Page 377



Monday, July 7th, 1913.

I hired a motor, and was swiftly carried to West Hartlepool accompanied by Aubry & Boden. The weather, which had been very threatening all day, improved at the critical time for the Anti–Welsh Church Demonstration approached, & the proceedings were undisturbed by rain. There was a great assemblage of Church–people, perhaps as many as 10,000, so that the scene was striking. I was the sole speaker (apart from the Chairman) at one of the 3 platforms. My speech occupied just half an hour in delivery. Speaking is always difficult in the open air, & on this occasion it was more than usually difficult because 'the winds were contrary'. As I spoke my admiration was moved by the new moon riding in a stormy sky – a beautiful spectacle. We were motored back to Durham, where we arrived about 10.30 p.m.

I was much pleased with the chauffeur – a clean looking lad of 19. His name is Robert Wray: he is the son of a pitman: has been confirmed & is a communicant. He attends Watson's Bible Class at S. Margaret's, & is a total abstainer.

I wrote a letter of condolence to Mary Lyttleton.