The Henson Journals

Sun 1 June 1913

Volume 18, Page 359


2nd Sunday after Trinity, June 1st, 1913.

A most beautiful day, but curiously exhausting. The lilacs & laburnums are in their glory, & the rhododendrons are breaking into flower.

I celebrated the Holy Communion in the Cathedral at 8 a.m. At Mattins Budworth preached. He is not a great preacher, but his candid simple manner redeemed his discourse from fatuity.

Three King's ScholarsGowan–Taylor, Parr, and A. F. R. Brown – came to lunch.

I preached at Evensong in St Cuthbert's Church. There was an attentive congregation largely composed of young men. The vicar, Tollinton, seems to be earnest. My text was Isaiah 57. 20, 21, & my subject the Unrest of the Wicked.