The Henson Journals

Wed 19 February 1913

Volume 18, Pages 286 to 287


Wednesday, February 19th, 1913. Bishopthorpe.

The Holy Communion is celebrated daily in the Palace Chapel at 8.15 a.m: & Mattins is said at 8. There follows short Household Prayers: & then – at 9 a.m. breakfast. This is a cheerful & conversational meal. Lang makes a dignified & kindly host. I could not but marvel at the strange fortune which has brought him and me into our present relative situations – he the Archbishop of York & I the Dean of Durham.

The Dean of Carlisle motored me into York, & I made my first appearance in Convocation. It is an odd little foolish assembly, & bored me inexpressibly. The President with the members of the Upper House attended, & opened proceedings with a speech. In this I was mentioned with some flatterous words: & an eulogy was pronounced on that boisterous fanatick, Gray of Helmsley, whose death is just announced. I lunched with the Bishop Suffragan of Sheffield, who is Canon of the Cathedral & now, as Residentiary, occupies the prebendal House. On returning to Bishopthorpe I went for a walk with the Lord Mayor of Liverpool who has just been appointed chancellor of that diocese.


The Lord Mayor is, he told me, 45 years old. He is greatly interested in religion, & himself friendly to 'liberal Anglicanism'. The Bishop of Liverpool, of whom he spoke in terms of the highest admiration & regard, is hostile: &, when he listened to Inge's sermon, looked the picture of misery. "That does for the last fragments of my belief" – was the observation of some layman to the good prelate, as he came away from the said discourse, & of course this prompt confirmation of his worst fears deepened the poor man's gloom.

At dinner I sate between the Bishops of Ripon (Drury) and Sodor & Man (Denton Thompson). With the first I had an interesting conversation on "Foundations". I asked him point–blank whether he wd refuse Ordination to a man holding the views expressed in Streeter's Essay. He said that he cd not bring himself to ordain a man who held that the Body of Jesus "saw corruption" in the grave. We talked at some length, & with much frankness. I promised to send him a copy of "The Creed in the Pulpit", and he to send me his criticisms on it.