The Henson Journals

Sun 22 September 1912

Volume 18, Pages 66 to 67


16th Sunday after Trinity, September 22nd, 1912. Winnipeg.

There was a slight improvement in the weather, but the day was sunless & depressing.

I preached in the morning at St Luke's Church. There was a very large & very attentive congregation. I preached on Jacob's Vision, intercalating some references to the materialism which obsesses Winnipeg.

We lunched at Government House. The Governor was absent but Mrs Cameron received us. I took her in to lunch, & found her extremely agreeable.

At 3 p.m. I addressed an audience of men only in the 'Auditorium' of Grace Church, a Methodist institution. My subject was 'The Problem of the Alien Immigrant from a Christian point of view'. Prof. Osbern of Wesley College took the Chair. I spoke for 3/4 an hour very plainly, rather to the surprize of my audience, who are accustomed to hear from visitors nothing but eulogiums on Winnipeg, & the limitless prosperity which lies before it. However they were attentive, and applauded the right points.

I preached at All Saints at Evensong. The Church was thronged. I was assured that as many as 1000 people were squeezed inside a wooden building which was designed to accommodate no more than 800.


The Bishop of Qu'Appelle (Dr Harding) was present. He spoke to me of the difficulties of the Church in Canada. I replied that the first & most pressing duty of the Church was to find a modus vivendi with the other Protestant Churches. He rejoined with some heat that that was out of the question: that no less than 6 non–episcopal ministers had applied to him for Ordination within the last 12 months: that the non–episcopal Churches were leavened with Unitarianism: that everything turned on the Church of England's maintaining a firm front, & making no concessions. I did not reply to all this, because there was no time, & the occasion was unfavourable. But I reflected mournfully on the gross blindness which has fallen on the Anglican leaders.

After the service the Bishop thanked me with some appearance of sincerity for my sermon: & the parson of the Church (Heathcote) also thanked me.

Aubrey & Lois came to supper, also a Mr & Mrs Kohl, & another Canadian lady.

Jack Dennistoun went to the station, and managed the checking of our baggage to Minneapolis.