The Henson Journals

Thu 22 August 1912

Volume 18, Page 18


Thursday, August 22nd, 1912.

Opportunity is in respect to time, in some sense, as time is in respect to Eternity. Tis the small moment, the exact point, the critical minute, on which every good work so much depends, that whenever you just light upon it, it is able to make all your religious performances more easy to yourselves, more beneficial to others, more acceptable to God Himself.

Thomas Sprat. 'A Sermon preached in Bow Church' Nov: 7th 1678.

Ella and I received the Holy Communion together in Henry VII's Chapel. Mr Fedarb came to say farewell.

Angel Colenso & Norman Box also bade me very affectionate goodbye.

I met Geoffrey Robinson the new editor of the Times coming away from my door. He wanted me to write an historical article on the Ejection of the Nonconformists. I did so, & had just finished, when a messenger came with the news that my work wd not be wanted: as an article had already been provided!