The Henson Journals

Wed 21 August 1912

Volume 18, Page 17


Wednesday, August 21st, 1912.

When a nation is near some dreadful calamity, as a just punishment of its sins, God takes away the wisdom of the wise, and the understanding of the prudent, and the resolution of the men of courage, that they all stand amazed and confounded, not knowing how to give or take advice, but they are full of fears, & rather apt to quarrel with one another than to consult the general good.

Edward Stillingfleet. 'A sermon preached in S. Margaret's', Nov 13th 1678.

Another horrid day, intermittently wet & gusty, always full of minatory suggestion for Atlantic voyagers!

Radcliffe came to see us. I instructed him to act for me if the Putumayo Solicitors announce a prosecution. I received from those gentlemen a brief acknowledgement of my letters.

Ella & I made a round of the tradesmen, paying up the accounts.

The papers announce the death of General Booth.

Issues and controversies: Putumayo