The Henson Journals

Mon 6 May 1912

Volume 17, Page 418


Monday, May 6th, 1912.


I prepared notes for my Welsh speech in the evening: & then attended a Chapter meeting. We had an offer from the Civil Engineers to set up a window in memory of Lord Kelvin. In the afternoon, I travelled to Oxford, and dined with the President of St John's, together with the Bp. of St David's & Cunliffe. We were all bound for the anti–Disestablishment Meeting in the Town–Hall.

It was certainly a good meeting. The President of S. John's – formerly a Welsh Dean – presided. I moved, & the Bp. of St David's seconded, a resolution of protest, which was adopted with much enthusiasm.

After the meeting I walked with Rashdall to his house, & had some talk.

Issues and controversies: welsh disestablishment