The Henson Journals

Fri 5 April 1912

Volume 17, Page 410


Good Friday, April 5th, 1912.

I read the 'Table Prayers' at 8 a.m. The congregation consisted of 2 men & 3 women besides Ramsay & myself.

At Mattins the congregation seemed to me rather disappointingly small. However its behaviour was good. The service lasted nearly 2 hours, but hardly anybody went out. The offertory amounted to nearly £19.

Violet Markham & I walked together across the Park, & had much conversation.

Compston preached a very good sermon at Evensong to a congregation which was larger than I expected.

Communicants at 7 a.m. 39
" " 8 " 115
" " 11 " 235
At the Abbey, 122 at 8 a.m.
" " " 240 " 10 " 362