The Henson Journals

Sun 14 January 1912 to Fri 19 January 1912

Volume 17, Page 375


2nd Sunday after Epiphany, January 14th, 1912.


Bonney preached a delightful sermon from Titus ii.11–13. He spoke of the threefold Epiphany of God in Nature, in History, & in ourselves.

At 3 p.m. I preached on "The Marriage at Cana", speaking with decision on the character of the Johannine narrative as not historical. Beeching was in church, & came in to me afterwards. He seems to be cheerful & flourishing.

At 7 p.m. Dams preached, or rather exhorted at large, for 3/4 of an hour! There was no thesis, no argument, no arrangement, & no necessary conclusion!!

Harold & his wife came to supper, with the Scott–sisters, & some of the boys.

The Prayer–book Revision Committee met on Thursday the 18th, & Friday, the 19th January. We entertained the members at luncheon on those days.

On Friday evening, Jany 19th, my wife and I went to the University College in Gower St, where I presided at a students' debate on the proposition "that the simple life was a return to barbarism".

Issues and controversies: prayer book revision