The Henson Journals

Mon 8 January 1912

Volume 17, Page 374


Monday, January 8th, 1912.

I dined with the Brotherhood at the Temple.

The monument erected by Parliament to the memory of the late Prime Minister, Sir Henry Campbell–Bannerman, was unveiled without ceremony this week. It is shamelessly incongruous, & aggressive.

The Psycho–Therapeutic Committee met on Tuesday afternoon. The doctors were in force: the clergy were represented only by Cameron & me.

Rashdall & I visited Inge in his Deanery. As a fitting offering to 'the gloomy Dean', I gave him the copy of Donne's famous last sermon "Death's Duell", published in 1632 with a woodcut of his monument.

Bonney arrived in time for dinner on Saturday, the 13th, Gow & his wife, Troutbeck & his wife, Baddeley, Mrs Taylor, & ourselves made up a pleasant dinner party.

Issues and controversies: psycho-therapeutic committee