The Henson Journals

Tue 12 September 1911

Volume 17, Page 314


Tuesday, September 12th, 1911.

We travelled very comfortably from Stockholm to Lübeck, leaving at 8.30 p.m. on Monday, and arriving at 7.45 p.m. on Tuesday. The weather was perfect. Our two sea–passages – from Malmö to Copenhagen, & from Gjedser to Wannemünde – were transacted without the slightest discomfort. On our arrival at the hotel Stadt Hamburg we were surprised to find Mr Owen & his friend. We dined and went to bed.

The steam–ferry from Gjedser to Wannermünde is remarkable. Four (or five) railway carriages are run onto the ferry–boat which transfers them again to the railway lines on the other side. There is a well–organised dining saloon on board, & all the plant of a holiday steamer.

Our luggage was inspected for the German customs on the steamer. The performance was easily arranged by the guard.