The Henson Journals

Sun 25 June 1911

Volume 17, Page 233


2nd Sunday after Trinity, June 25th, 1911.

~~Religion delivers us from hell by instating us in a possession of true life & bliss. Hell is rather a nature than a place: & Heaven cannot be so truly defined by any thing without us, as by something that is within us.~~

John Smith. "Cambridge Platonists" p.205

A wet morning. I celebrated in St Margaret's at 8 a.m. There were 30 communicants.

In spite of the rain St Margaret's was well–filled. I preached from Isaiah XIX. 19. 20. making an appeal for the Khartoum Cathedral Fund. The collection exceeded £61.

In the afternoon I was motored with Ella to the Hampstead Garden Suburb. On the way we picked up Dr Munro Gibson, a Presbyterian minister who has his habitation there. He read the first lesson at an "United Service" in the new church. I preached the sermon from I. Cori XII. 5. The rain reduced the congregation which was, however, considerable.

There was a large congregation at Evensong. Compston preached a loyal sermon. The collection for the Khartoum Fund exceeded £17.