The Henson Journals
Sat 20 May 1911
Volume 17, Page 214
Saturday, May 20th, 1911.
~~They that accuse others as Schismaticks and Separatists, for deserting Churches, or gathering Churches out of Churches, & will not tell us what they mean by the word Church, nor give us leave to tell them what we mean, but judge in confusion, & despise explication, & necessary distinction, are men that we can neither be edified by, nor edify, in this way.~~
Baxter. "The Nonconformists Plea for Peace". London. 1679. p. 4.
I wrote a sermon for the Territorials. In the afternoon Harry Wormington, brother to the kitchen–maid, who left us two years ago, came to ask for letters of introduction to folks in Toronto, whither he sails on Tuesday next.