The Henson Journals

Sat 13 May 1911

Volume 17, Page 205


Saturday, May 13th, 1911.


~~Let a man examine his own thoughts, & he will always find them employed about the time past, or to come. We scarce bestow a glance upon the present, or, if we do, it is only that we may borrow light from hence to manage & direct the future. The present is never the mark of our designs. We use both past & present as our means & instruments, but the future only as our object & aim. Thus we never live, but are ever hope [sic] to live: & under this continual disposition & preparation to happiness, it is certain we can never be actually happy, if our hopes are terminated with the scene of this life.~~

Pascal. Thoughts 192

I gather from divers letters which have come to me that a report of my speech in the Queen's Hall appeared in the 'Daily News' of this morning. The 'Times' ignored the meeting altogether!