The Henson Journals
Thu 11 May 1911
Volume 17, Page 203
Thursday, May 11th, 1911.
~~He that intends to meet with one in a great fair, & knows not where he is, may sooner find him by standing still in some principal place there, than by traversing it up & down. Take thy stand on some good ground in religion, & keep thy station in a fixed posture, never hunting after the times to follow them: &, a hundred to one, they will come to thee once in thy life–time.~~
T. Fuller. "The Holy State". p. 195.
Marsden called about noon, and afterwards lunched with me. I went to the British Museum, & looked at the excellent & well–arranged Exhibition of Bibles. Then I looked into Bull & Aurache, & bought the 1st edition of Sandys' Europae Speculum for two guineas.
The 'Guardian' reports a sermon preached by Sanday at Cambridge on 'The Miraculous element in the new Testament'. He criticizes Thompson's book with mild hostility. I observe that Simpson, the new Canon of S. Paul's, has reconciled himself to the Fanaticks by announcing his belief in the 'empty tomb' theory of the Resurrection.