The Henson Journals

Wed 3 May 1911

Volume 17, Page 195


Wednesday, May 3rd, 1911.

~~"A common–place book contains many notions in garrison, whence the owner may draw out an army into the field on competent warning"~~

Thomas Fuller. The Holy State, p. 167.

Another day wasted in Convocation. I seconded a motion proposed by the Bp. of Southampton in favour of the 'United forward Movement' for the better education of Europeans & Eurasians in India.

Then I moved an amendment making a verbal alteration of a motion anent Welsh Disestablishment. This was seconded by the Dean of Lincoln: & debated all the afternoon, when I was defeated by a great majority.

Inge, Gow, Mr Stocks, Mrs Stocks, Raleigh, the Bp. of Southampton, & the Archdeacon of Leicester formed our dinner party.

Afterwards we went to the Reception at Lambeth.