The Henson Journals

Tue 2 May 1911

Volume 17, Page 194


Tuesday, May 2nd, 1911.


~~'If a man would well observe that which is delivered in the Histories, concerning the Religious rites of the Greeks & Romans, I doubt not but he might find many more of these old empty bottles of Gentilism, which the Doctors of the Roman Church, either by negligence, or ambition, have filled up again with the new wine of Christianity, that will not fail in time to break them.'~~

Hobbes. 'Leviathan' p. 366.

Convocation met in the Church House. Our new Dean was presented by Archdeacon Fearon. He sate at the table, but took no part in the discussions. We were engaged all day on Prayer book Revision. I spoke twice, & succeeded in expressing my contempt for the House of Laymen, whose recent vote in opposition to Revision was often referred to. We had a numerous party to lunch.

Issues and controversies: prayer book revision