The Henson Journals

Sun 26 February 1911

Volume 17, Page 170


Quinquagesima, February 26th, 1911.

A bright cold morning. I celebrated at 8 a.m. There were but 9 cts.

At Mattins there was a large but not crowded congregation. I preached from the 1st Lesson – Genesis ix. 6: and was listened to with remarkable attention: no coughing at all. This demonstrates the true cause of coughing – inattention! The Bishop of Ripon was in church, & came in to the Vestry afterwards. So did Sir John Barran Bt, M.P. for Hawick & his wife, who is daughter of Leighton Parks, the Rector of St Bartholomew's, New York.

After lunch I travelled to Godalming. At the station Dr Rendal met me, & carried me to Charterhouse. The brightness of the day & the freshness of the air made the beautiful place peculiarly delightful. I preached to the boys in the chapel, not very happily, the coughing being terrible! Afterwards I returned to town in company with one of the Westminster Masters, with whom I had much interesting conversation. I got home about 11.30 p.m.