The Henson Journals

Sun 29 January 1911 to Sat 4 February 1911

Volume 17, Page 165


4th Sunday after Epiphany, January 29th, 1911.

A moderately dense fog overhung the city, when I went to the early service. There were but 12 comts.

There was a fairly good congregation at Mattins in spite of the weather. I preached on the Miracle of the Gadarene Swine, & was listened to very closely.

At Evensong I preached again, but was much harassed by the clamorous coughing of the congregation.

Miss Markham, Bridget, & Linetta came to supper.

On Tuesday, the 31st Jan. Ella returned from Daglingworth. Lord Worsley was married in St Margt's.

On Wednesday, Mr Charteris was married to a daughter of the Duke of Rutland. Very badly behaved congregation.

On Thursday, Ella & I lunched with Miss Markham: & had a great economic argument.

On Saturday, we attended the reception of Mr Asquith in Downing Street.

Peile arrived to stay here for his wedding on Tuesday next.