The Henson Journals

Sun 27 November 1910 to Wed 30 November 1910

Volume 17, Pages 149 to 150


Advent Sunday, November 27th, 1910.


A dull day to start with, & soon changing to rain: finally a very wet afternoon & nightfall. There were but 15 commts at 8 a.m. when Knox celebrated, & I served.

At 11 a.m. there was a fairly good congregation. I preached in advocacy of the East London Church Fund. The offertory was nearly £45.

Kirshbaum preached at Evensong, & afterwards came to supper.

I received a note from the Dean conveying the very surprising information that he had accepted the Deanery of Wells. He says that 'tis nothing but the failure of his health, but I grievously suspect that 'tis another kind of failure altogether.

Today I complete 10 years ministry at St Margt's.


Monday. Nov: 28th Carnegie Simpson lunched here. I gave him "The Liberty of Prophesying".
Tuesday Nov: 29th We dined with the Gows. Mrs Harris sate next me. She admires Dr Cobb & is a disciple of Mr Hickson!!

Nov: 30th Hine–Haycock & I went to Hampton to perform the Burial Service over the remains of Mrs Bradley, the late Dean's wife. The rain fell in torrents.

I attended the annual dinner of the Past Overseers Society: & proposed the toast of 'The City of Westminster'.