The Henson Journals

Sat 13 August 1910

Volume 17, Page 111


Saturday, August 13th, 1910. Kirkmichael House.

A dubious morning passed into a fine day. Murray went off early to attend a political meeting. I went in to the station with him, and on returning to the house talked with mine hostess in the garden. Then I bestowed my last film on a photograph of a family group. By this time the motor was at the door. In the process of taking farewells my top hat was forgotten. We motored as far as Lochmaben, & there were met by the carriage which carried us to Kirkmichael House, where we had arranged to spend the weekend with Mrs McAll, who is living there with her daughter Mrs Pollok–McCall. We arrived about 1 p.m. After lunch Mrs Pollok–McCall motored us through Dumfries to Caerlaverock Castle, & then homewards by way of the Solway. The Castle is a triangular ruin surrounded by a moat. We returned about 5.45 p.m. & had tea: then the elder lady, Mrs McCall, took me & the dogs for a walk.

I must have contracted a chill in the course of the afternoon for I felt miserably ill in the night, & half suspected I was down with influenza.