The Henson Journals

Fri 12 August 1910

Volume 17, Page 110


Friday, August 12th, 1910. Murraythwaite.

A wet day with brief interludes of hypocritical sunshine. Murray motored us to Ruthwell, where we inspected the famous cross in the parish church. I attempted to take some photographs, but, I fear, my labour was thrown away. Then we went on to Arran, where I tried in vain to get some more films.

After lunch mine host and I walked for awhile, the weather mending. Then having had tea, I sate in the Garden & read the "Times". The Dean of Lincoln is reported to be seriously ill with pneumonia in Switzerland. I should genuinely regret his death, for his gentle & tolerant character did me good. Then I wrote letters.

While I sate alone in the garden a willow–wren came hopping about me, and, as I sate still, it became ever bolder until finally it perched on my hand, & hopped about on my person.

Dr Faring & his daughter from Norwich arrived. After dinner we had a lively conversation on the equity of field sports.