The Henson Journals

Thu 4 August 1910

Volume 17, Page 99


Thursday, August 4th, 1910.

I spent the forenoon in my study tearing up letters; then I signed Perkins' offertory accounts, and saw Knox. Deciding to take the camera with us, I went to the Kodak shop by Charing Cross & bought some films – 36 for 11/3. After lunch we went to Waterloo & caught the 2.50 p.m. train for Bulford on Salisbury Plain, where we had arranged to visit Major Oldfield. We changed trains at Salisbury, & were met by the carriage at Bulford. We arrived a few minutes before 6 p.m.

This is an interesting old house built of flint with stone mullions to the windows, oak–panelled rooms, & tiled roofs. It stands hard by the church yard, & is but a stone's cast from a little parish church. The Rectory is close by, on the other side of the country–road. The weather, which had been thunderous & threatening, effected some slight self–reformation in the decline of the day: so that we could admire the quiet beauty of the rural scene.

Captn & Mrs Seymour of the Scots Greys dined here: both very pleasant &, I think, intelligent.