The Henson Journals
Sun 31 July 1910 to Mon 1 August 1910
Volume 17, Pages 97 to 98
10th Sunday after Trinity, July 31st, 1910.
"I had heard of Thee by the hearing of the ear; but now mine eye seeth Thee. Wherefore I abhor myself, & repent in dust & ashes.["]
Job 42.5.
I celebrated in St Margt's at 8 a.m. There were 13 comts including Ella & Mary. The latter 're–arranged my face' to make it look more respectable.
There was a 'mixed multitude' in which Americans predominated at Mattins. I preached on Romans I.28. 'And even as they refused to have God in their knowledge, God gave them up unto a reprobate mind'.
Mrs Charles Murray & Miss Greenwood came to lunch. In the afternoon I baptized Colin White Kennedy. His parents & his elder brother attended as witnesses.
There was a fairly large congregation at Evensong, but mostly strangers. I preached a 'Holiday Sermon' on Elijah's flight to Horeb. Travers, the Chaplain from West Point, read the Lessons, & afterwards came in to supper.
So ends one more & a very humiliating chapter of my ministry. To what dénoument is it all moving?
On Monday, August 1st 1910, I wrote a long & painful letter to Harold: & then made various preparations for leaving town. We journeyed to Canterbury by the afternoon train, to visit the Bishop of Dover & Mrs Walsh. Canon & Mrs Venn came to dine. They were actually witnesses of the Jamaican earthquake. On Tuesday, August 2nd, we attended service in the Cathedral, & then went off to see the cricket. It was a hollow match. Kent defeating Gloucestershire by an innings & 150 runs!
The Spooners & the Inges dined.
On Wednesday, we attended service in the Cathedral, & then Kitty took Ella for a drive: & Ralph walked with me, & talked. Then we all lunched with the Spooners. Afterwards we returned to Westminster.
John Hole had an interview with me.