The Henson Journals

Tue 8 February 1910

Volume 17, Page 49


Shrove Tuesday, Tuesday, Feb. 8th, 1910.

I officiated at Harry Graham's marriage in S. Margaret's. He sent me Dixon's History of the Reformation as a memento. Harry Bisseker lunched here, and Gow. We discussed the subject of "Unity", and I suggested the formation of an Association based on the Lambeth Articles, substituting for the 4th which insists on the 'Historic Episcopate' another drafted in the terms of the 23rd article. Both Bisseker and Gow promised to join.

Mary Lyttelton came for her Confirmation class. She is as down–right, wholesome an English maiden as I could desire to see.

Clarence Stock called; and I made him stay & dine before going with Harold to the skating rink. He is passing through a phase of restlessness, mental, physical, & religious, which may trouble his friends, but will by God's mercy be traversed without permanent injury to a sweet and manifold character.