The Henson Journals

Sun 22 August 1909 to Fri 27 August 1909

Volume 16, Pages 449 to 450


11th Sunday after Trinity, August 22nd, 1909.

A fresh bright morning. Before breakfast I revised my morning sermon. My discourses are concerned with the same subject. At 10 a.m. I preach on "The core of the Gospel", taking the passage 1.Cor.XV.3–5, from the epistle for the day: and at 3 p.m. my theme is "The fixed factors of Christianity", & my text the famous phrase in Jude 3, "The faith which was once for all delivered to the Saints".

Ernest Bennett came to breakfast, & spent the day here. He was joined by Gilbert after morning service. Thus the clans gather.

The Abbey seemed to be quite full at 10 a.m. Many stood through the sermon. There were 85 comts among whom I recognized Sir Francis Channing, and the tall young clergyman who was our compangnon de voyage on the "Empress of Ireland". In the stalls I espied Dr Grosvenor.

Mrs Bowlby came in to lunch. She told me what I had not heard viz: that Bowlby is leaving Eton to become Head–master at Lancing.

The Abbey was again very full at 3 p.m.

Allen Edwards preached at 7 p.m. to a very crowded church. He came in to supper afterwards. Clarence Stock, Knox & his wife, Gilbert, & Ernest made up the party.


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On Tuesday morning (August 24th 1909) I received a letter from Gore stating that he did not intend to prosecute me in the Arches. I walked round to Raleigh's rooms, and asked his advice. He was strong for my accepting this decision without further negotiation. He said it was kinder to Gore. In the afternoon I walked to Lambeth and asked the Archbishop's advice. He spoke much in the same sense as Raleigh. Persuaded thus by these two Scotchmen I wrote amicably to Gore, asking him to communicate his decision to the Press.

On Friday, Aug. 27th 1909, my wife went to Cheltenham to pay a visit to General Smith.

Issues and controversies: Arches