The Henson Journals

Sun 21 June 1908 to Sat 27 June 1908

Volume 16, Pages 332 to 333


Hospital Sunday.1st Sunday after Trinity, June 21st, 1908.

The Bishop of North Dakota celebrated at 8 a.m. There were 26 comts. Harold & I sate together in the Speaker's seat, & communicated together.

There was a full congregation at 11 a.m. I preached with great difficulty as my throat was in a bad way. The Offertory was rather over £102.

In the afternoon there was a Church Parade of the King's Royal Rifles Cadets (Col. Freeman–Wills). About 500 attended. Knox addressed them.

At Evensong the Church was thronged. This was owing to the overflow from the Abbey, where the Bp. of London was the preacher. I preached again. The Offertory was £37.


On Monday, June 22nd, I went to the Albert Hall Meeting at 8 p.m. The great place was crowded in every part. The Bp. of Calcutta presided. The Speakers were.

  1. A. J. Balfour
  2. Weldon
  3. Henson
  4. Waggett
  5. Masterman

I succeeded in making myself heard, tho' with much effort. On the whole my speech – or rather my paper – was well–received.

On Thursday, the 25th June, I baptized John Humphrey Walrond in S. Margaret's.

On Friday, the 26th June, we attended the Reception at the Foreign Office – a fearful crush.

On Saturday, the 27th, we went to the Archbishop's Garden Party at Lambeth.

The same evening Harold took me to the play 'The Three of us' at Terry's.

Mr Cheadle, the Minor Canon, died suddenly.