The Henson Journals
Sun 10 May 1908 to Sat 16 May 1908
Volume 16, Pages 313 to 314
3rd Sunday after Easter, May 10th, 1908.
My wife's birthday. She spent it in bed dolorously enough.
I celebrated in S. Margaret's at 8 a.m., when there were but 18 comts. Then I went to S. Mark's, Notting Hill, and preached for Kirshbaum.
At Evensong there was a large congregation which tried its best but all in vain to understand an old stilted sermon on the Bible, which I wearily read to them!
Denham came into the vestry. He is home on leave from India. George Cook bade farewell to the Choir. He goes to King's Lynn to make his start in the world.
On Saturday, the 16th of May, I journeyed to Rugby, and addressed the boys on their school mission – a dull speech endured with much patience. I returned to Westminster the same evening.
O God, who knowest all things and seest the end as well as the beginning, have compassion on Thy people and on me the worst & weakest of them. Suffer not the burden of this life to grow too heavy for me to bear, but in wrath remember mercy. Comfort me again after the years in which I have suffered adversity. Thou knowest whereof we are made; Thou rememberest that we are but dust.
O Christ, who has set me in this place, have pity on Thy people, and make up to them that which is lacking in my service. Be Thou Thyself their Pastor and Guide.
O Holy Spirit, enlighten my darkness; comfort my misery: strengthen my weakness; direct my perplexity.