The Henson Journals

Sun 3 May 1908 to Sat 9 May 1908

Volume 16, Pages 311 to 312


2nd Sunday after Easter, May 3rd, 1908.

Knox celebrated at 8 a.m. There were 37 commts. I assisted. During service a deluge of rain came on, menacing us with small congregations, & smaller collections.

Inge preached an admirable sermon, but there were few to hear it.

At Evensong there was a crowd. I preached on the Brazen Serpent destructively.


Convocation sate on Tuesday, & Wednesday (May 5, 6) and the Representative Church Council on Thursday & Friday (May 7, 8). I spoke twice in the former, & once in the latter. Education & the Licensing Bill were discussed in both assemblies. The by–elections have stirred up a most fanatical spirit: 'no compromise' is the policy which stirs enthusiasm. The Episcopal Bench was on both questions in a minority. On both I voted with them.

My wife was unable to entertain our guests: but none the less we had the usual luncheon parties on those 4 days.

On Wednesday, the 6th May, I attended the Archbishop's reception at Lambeth.

On Saturday afternoon I took Harold, Gilbert, and Edwin to the Zoo.

Issues and controversies: licensing bill; education bill