The Henson Journals

Mon 6 April 1908 to Sat 11 April 1908

Volume 16, Pages 304 to 305


Monday, April 6th, 1908.


The Prime Minister has resigned, and the King has sent for Asquith. I met Ilbert; and he said that the House was to be adjourned pending a re–ordering of the Ministry.

I am in the prophetic vein; and I foretell that Asquith's accession to power will mean further calamity to whatsoever relics of liberty linger in the Church.

He is known to be an advocate of Disestablishment, he is believed to be friendly to the High Church faction: he is committed to a Licencing Bill & Old Age Pensions, projects in which the sacerdotalist fanaticks will support him. I believe he will favour them in his eccll appointments; encouraging the futile cry for "autonomy"; treating the Church as an episcopalian sect: and moving towards Disestablishment with the aid of the High Church Party. I look to see the Education Bill dropped, & replaced with something on Gore's lines. Personally this gives the coup–de–grâce to my attempt to galvanize our Establishment into a working system. "Denominationalism" i.e. the spirit of sect reigns.


There were two 'Memorial Services' in S. Margaret's this week. On Thursday, the 9th April, for the Hon. R. Greville, and on Saturday, the 11th, for Sir Howard Vincent. To the latter a large number of the Queen's Westminsters came in uniform.

At 3 p.m. on Saturday I baptized Peter Limond Derville Teichmann.

Issues and controversies: licensing bill; education bill