The Henson Journals

Mon 30 March 1908 to Sat 4 April 1908

Volume 16, Pages 301 to 302


Monday, March 30th, 1908.

Beeching & I entertained at luncheon in the Jerusalem Chamber the following:–

  • Dr Brandl
  • Sidney Lee
  • Walter Raleigh
  • W. P. Ker
  • Lord Courtney
  • Sir Courtenay Ilbert
  • Sir C. Spring Rice
  • Sir Thos Raleigh
  • Sir R. Hudson
  • Sir Henry Craik M.P.
  • Rt. Honble C. E. Parker
  • Dr Bovey
  • Dr Gow
  • Dr Rosedale
  • The Dean
  • The Sub Dean

The lunch cost £14.10.0 including everything. It was provided (save wine & smoke) by Messrs Withers & Co.


On Saturday April 4th 1908, Lord Errington was married to Lady Ruby Elliot in S. Margaret's. The Sub–Dean officiated & I assisted. The boys of the Chapel Royal attended, & gave a touch of colour to the scene. The Queen, the Empress–Dowager of Russia, & Princess Victoria were among the guests, & signed the Register. Lord Cromer, Lord Lansdowne, the Ambassadors of France, Germany, & Japan, Sir Charles Hardinge, Lady Minto, Arthur Elliott, & another signed also.