The Henson Journals

Sun 29 December 1907 to Tue 31 December 1907

Volume 16, Pages 270 to 271


Sunday after Christmas, December 29th, 1907.

The weather continues bitterly cold, and up–rising even for the holiest purposes is penitential. However I did get up, and go to S. Margaret's where I celebrated the Holy Communion for the last time this year. There were only 11 communicants including the clergy, Harold, & my sister. Save for Ramsay, who was present officially, all the rest were of the gentler sex.

At Mattins, the congregation was small & strange. I preached an old sermon on 'the use & abuse of the memory'. The Offertory was but £9.16.6.

In the afternoon I remained within doors, & completed the sermon for the Abbey. Admiral Rolfe came in at tea–time, and spoke with much vivacity, and in a very interesting way of his early memories of Froude, James Anthony's scientific brother, who, though a martyr to mal de mer pursued with enthusiasm his study of the problem of rolling ships

The Abbey appeared to be quite full at 7 p.m. I preached for 3/4 of an hour on Hebrews xiii.8: and then went over to S. Margaret's for the carol–singing. Signorina & Mary Scott came in to supper.


On the last day of the year everything was commonplace. I misused rather than used my time by running thro' Hearne's Diary, noting the stories of preachers & preaching which it contains. In the afternoon my wife walked with me into the City in order to see the horse setup on the Wellington statue. We called on Lang, who was about to go to Oxford.

George Mackarness came to see me. He & his young lady had been in the Abbey on Sunday night.

It has been a year full of anxiety and but little lightened by success.

The only publication was the little book on 'Christian Marriage'.