The Henson Journals

Fri 8 November 1907 to Fri 22 November 1907

Volume 16, Pages 259 to 260


Friday, November 8th, 1907.

So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom

I went to the Holy Communion in S. Faith's Chapel. Cheadle was the celebrant: and there were two other minor canons present together with five holy women, none of whom communicated. I don't like this.

Letters of goodwill on the occasion of my Birthday came from Mother & Marion, from my god–son Alfred, from Bob Bineham, from my old Aunt, and from the all–but–centenarian Mrs Drew.

I have now lived in the world for no less than 44 years. Newman was one year older when he 'cut the painter', and became a Papist.

Harold and Tommie came to wish me many happy returns of the day. I send a Birthday cake and 25 sixpences to the Choir House for the boys.

We entertained at dinner the following:

  • Mr & Mrs Charles Hamilton
  • Mr & Lady Margaret Probie
  • Charlie Parker
  • Mr Babington Smith
  • Mrs Oldfield


On Saturday, the 9th Nov. 1907, I caught a chill, and, though by a great effort I preached on the morning of Nov. 10th, I was prostrate all the week, and only able to do my duty on the 17th Nov. with much difficulty.

The Sub–Committee on Rubrics met in the dining–room on Wednesday (the 13th Nov.) and on Thursday (the 14th). On the first day I was unable to attend, but not on the second. Only 13 or 14 members out of 21 attended.

On Sunday, the 17th Nov:, I preached twice but with much discomfort owing to my voice.

On Friday Lieut: Geo. Dennistoun (engaged in battling with the Admiralty Lords for a ship) came here.