The Henson Journals

Sun 14 July 1907

Volume 16, Page 232


7th Sunday after Trinity, July 14th, 1907.

I revised my sermon before breakfast, & then went across to S. Margaret's to fetch my scarf.

The Lord Mayor attended the service in the Abbey. There was a very large congregation, but the offertory was but little more than £57. for Waifs and Strays. More than a hundred persons stayed to Communion. I preached on David's Census, which was the burden of the 1st lesson, and adapted it to an appeal for the Outcasts. In the afternoon, Welldon preached an extemporaneous Oration, as I judge, & therefore incoherent, verbose, and badly 'topical'. It was hard to believe one was listening to an ex–Headmaster of Harrow. There was a crowded congregation in the nave at 7 p.m. I preached for 40 minutes on Psalm Vlll.3–5, making in the course of my sermon some answer to Frederick Harrison's "Creed of a Layman".

George Mackarness & Anthony Browne came in to supper.

Beeching & Gow undertook the preaching in S. Margaret's.