The Henson Journals

Sun 26 May 1907

Volume 16, Pages 217 to 218


Trinity Sunday, May 26th, 1907.

Twenty years of ministry are completed today. How much to thank God for! how much to mourn over! I went to the Church at 8 a.m. and celebrated the Holy Communion. There were but 22 communicants. I told over at the Altar and commended to the Mercy of God the young men who have been most closely connected with me, & whom in one way or another I have endeavoured (not very successfully) to help forward.

  1. Tom Nicholson
  2. Richard Hedges (^ob.^)
  3. Alfred Green
  4. Albert Mason
  5. Lionel Cole obit
  6. Thomas Hall
  7. Alfred Spelling
  8. Albert Saxton
  9. Harold Knowling
  10. Charles Green
  11. Frederick Gray now in Canada
  12. Frank Capon
  13. Harry Smith now in S. Africa
  14. Harry Ramsay now in S. Africa
  15. Lyster Jandron now in Canada


At Mattins there was not a large congregation, but it was very attentive. The Athanasian Creed was read; and (excepting the Damnatory Clauses) it was well taken up by the congregation. I repeated the Sermon which I preached in the Abbey last year. The Offertory only amounted to £11.

In the course of the afternoon I walked across Westminster Bridge in order to see how fared my wounded colleague. He seems to be making progress, & displays a cheerful aspect.

Then I wrote a long letter to Marion.

At Evensong there was a large congregation. I preached an old sermon on the Christian Ministry, adding a new exordium and peroration.

Issues and controversies: Athanasian Creed