The Henson Journals

Sun 17 February 1907 to Mon 18 February 1907

Volume 16, Pages 182 to 183


1st Sunday in Lent, February 17th, 1907.

I went to S. Margaret's & celebrated at 8 a.m. There were 32 commts. Murray and Mackarness were among the communicants, who numbered but 32.

It being the first Sunday of the Session I thought it fitting to make a direct address to the Members who were not, however, very numerous. I only recognized Sir Henry Fowler, Mr Runciman, & Mr T. Lough. The Sermon was suggested by the first Lesson (the destruction of Sodom & Gomorrah) and dealt with the sins of civilization.

Mrs Murray & Signorina Castelvecchia [sic] came to lunch. The latter had some conversation with me afterwards on matters religious; and I gave her a copy of "The Value of the Bible".

Lady Tennant, with two charming children, came to tea. Her husband is a member: & has bought the house in Q. Anne's Gate lately occupied by the Goldmanns.

At Evensong, I preached again: there was a full, but somewhat restless, congregation.

After supper, Murray went off to catch the night mail for Scotland.


On Monday, the 18th Feb. I conducted a memorial service for Wentworth, Lord Allendale.

^Brought forward £20. 14.6
Feb. 19. Tapes for Typing Machine . 10.
20. Given to Mrs H. H. . 5.
21. Alms . 1.
23. Cabs . 4. 6
24. Cab . 3. 6
Offertory . 1.
26. Expenses to the Zoo &c . 7. 6
27. Stamps . 5.
Alms . 1.
28. Expenses to Oxford & back 1. 2. 6
£23. 15. 6
Mar. 2nd Given to Mrs H. . 2. 6
3. Given to Mrs H. 1. 0. 0
5. Cabs . 4. 6
Offertory 1. 0. 0
7. S. African Exhibition . 1. 0
Pine Apple . 1. 1
8. Stamps . 5. 0
Cab . 2. 0
Papers . . 6
£26. 12. 0