The Henson Journals

Sun 27 January 1907 to Sun 3 February 1907

Volume 16, Pages 177 to 178


Septuagesima, January 27th, 1907.

Addis preached in the Abbey this morning. He took the Johannine passage from S. Matt. XI, and, though he had written out his sermon, he left the MS behind him in his seat, & delivered its substance extemporaneously. It was a sound, orthodox, and moving discourse. Afterwards he came in to lunch, and we had some interesting conservation together.

I preached most part of the St Giles', Edinburgh Sermon in the Abbey at Evensong. The sermon took 38 minutes in delivery, & was much obstructed by coughing.

Raleigh called at tea–time; and we made him stay on for Evensong at S. Margaret's, and for supper afterwards. I preached from Job. 38. 1,2.

Custard was back from Switzerland, looking fit and well.


On Thursday, Jany 31st 1907 I travelled to Bradford and delivered my lecture on "Westminster Abbey" to a room full of decorous & rather dull Yorkshire folk, who listened without failure of attention or show of approval! I put up for the night very comfortably at the G.N.R. Victoria Hotel, and on the following morning returned to Westminster.

^Brought forward £16. 6.0
Feb. 5. Cigarette's [sic] . 1. 9
6. Books . 4. 0
8. Hair–cutting . 2. 0
Alms . 2. 6
9. Fare to Canterbury &c. 2. 4. 0.
12. Stamps. . 6. 0
Given to Ella . 10. 0
Foolscap for Sermons . 7. 6
13. Offertory . 1. 0
14. Envelopes . 4. 0
15. Given to Ella . 5. 0
16. Newspapers . . 9
£20. 14. 6^