The Henson Journals

Mon 7 January 1907 to Sat 12 January 1907

Volume 16, Pages 170 to 172


Festival of the Epiphany, January 7th, 1907.

Almighty and all–merciful Father, Who hast wonderfully called me to be the Minister of Thy Word in this place, have compassion on my weakness and grant forgiveness for my sin. I thank Thee for Thine exceeding and never failing goodness and long–suffering towards me, and I acknowledge myself unworthy of Thy patience; nevertheless I dare to come to Thee in prayer at the start of another year, beseeching Thee to give me a right understanding of Thy Will, and grace to obey it in all things. May Thy Holy Spirit cleanse my thoughts, and order my steps in Thy Way! May the honourable Name of Thy Blessed Son be honoured not in word only but in deed in my life here! May Thy children be helped, and not hindered by my ministry! 'Show Thou me the way that I should walk in for I lift up my soul unto Thee'. Into Thy Hands I commend my spirit for Thou hast redeemed me, O Lord Thou God of Truth.


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Rashdall was the preacher in the Abbey. He discussed at length the monstrous anthropomorphism of Mr Bernard Shaw! I celebrated the Holy Communion. There were 100 communicants. Oxford and his daughter, as also Mrs Rashdall came to lunch. There was an immense congregation at 3 p.m. when I preached for 35 minutes on S. Matt. II. 1,2. The multitude probably expected an obituary notice of the Baroness, but I eschewed the subject altogether.

There was a large congregation in S. Margaret's, when I preached on S. John II. 1. Hall Caine was in church.

George Mackarness came in to supper.

^Jany 9th Hair–cutting 1/6
10th Offertory 1/–
Tips to coat–keeper –/6d
Contribution to Bp. of C.'s Testl £2.2.0
Subscription to Oxford Hist. Soc. £1.1.0
11th Stamps 5/–
Cabs 2/–
Papers –/6 £3.13.6
week ending Jany 8th 1.8.0
Offertory on Jany 13 .1.


On Thursday, January 10th 1907, I dined at the Trocadero Restaurant with the Incorporated Society of Headmasters, & sat between Swallow & E. H. Buxton. I proposed the toast of the Universities, which was responded to by the Vice–Chancellor of Cambridge.

On Friday, Jany 11th 1907, My wife and I dined with the Cecil Chapmans.

On Saturday, Jany 12th 1907. A. W. Hutton & Addis called on me: they were on their way to Lambeth, where the latter was to make the declarations legally required in order to qualify a Roman–ordained clergyman for holding office in the English Church. I asked him to preach in the Abbey on 27th Jany at 10 a.m.

Bowlby arrived: the Sub–Dean came in to Dinner.

^Brought ford £5.2.6
Jany 16. Oranges and grapes .2.7
C.W. Pulpit .6
17. Offertory .6
18. Grapes 2.9
Reviews 5.
20. Offertory 2.0 £5.15.10^