The Henson Journals

Fri 24 August 1906

Volume 16, Page 109


Friday, August 24th, 1906.

The day was wet to start with, but soon cleared, and developed into a warm & sunny day. We wrote letters and then walked in the woods. We saw a fine waterfall – the Fall of the Turret – close to the house. A fisherman pulled out fine trout from the pool below the Fall. After lunch the Japanese took his departure. Mrs Glassford–Bell took us & Dr Milligan a drive to see the country. The hills were charming. After tea the Hakes went off. We strolled round the lake, admiring the tall bull–rushes which fringed its banks, and the numerous waterfowl which moved on its surface.

The Scotsman reports a heat–wave in London: unusually high temperatures are being registered.