The Henson Journals

Mon 18 June 1906 to Sat 23 June 1906

Volume 16, Pages 80 to 81


Monday, June 18th, 1906.


The Times announces that Welldon is appointed Dean of Manchester, and is to be succeeded here by Barnett of Whitechapel.

I lunched with the Hoffmans at Claridge's. They were joined at luncheon by a repulsive vulgarian, whose name appeared to be Candy, & who was the father–in–law of the Duke of Newcastle. Nothing could exceed the noisy buffoonery of this man. On the whole my estimate of Americans did not rise in this company.

We dined at S. Ermin's hotel with the Canadian cousins.


On Tuesday, the 19th June 1906, I shewed the Canadians over the roofs of the Abbey.

On Wednesday a clergyman from the Liverpool diocese came to consult me as to his duty. Ought he to accept a living offered to him, since he had doubts as to the Virgin Birth? Of course I told him he ought not to dream of leaving the Church of England for that reason.

On Thursday, Col. Trollope met me at St. Margaret's, & we arranged together how the banners sh d . be hung in the Chancel. Kempe & the Churchwardens were also there.

On Friday afternoon I went to a Congregationalist Mission near the Angel, & assisted at the laying of a foundation stone. The minister in charge – Newland – is a Merton Coll., Oxford, man.

In the evening we dined with the Malcolms, Lord Welby, the Buchanans, the Shaw Lefevres, Miss Taylor, Mr Buchan, & Mr Vaughan Williams were the other guests.

On Sat. evening I wrote to Mr. Kempe, Col. Trollope, & Mr. Fontaine (acknowledging £11.16.6 for the treats fund).

Issues and controversies: virgin birth