The Henson Journals

Sat 26 May 1906

Volume 16, Page 72


Saturday, May 26th, 1906.


I travelled by the 9.20 a.m. to Wolverhampton. Frank & his wife were with me: & at Birmingham we were joined by the Gatacres & Daveys. We had a long drive to Claverley. There in a singularly beautiful and interesting church we held a Memorial Service for General Gatacre, who died in Abyssinia in January last, and had there been buried. I gave a short address: & the whole service occupied about ¾ of an hour. Then we travelled back to town & arrived about 7 p.m.

The Rectory at Claverley is a 15th century house, very picturesque & interesting. In the church were two fonts, the one Anglo–Saxon, the other Norman, a medieval oak roof, a 15th century screen, a 17th century pulpit, and some early frescoes on the north wall of the nave.