The Henson Journals

Sun 11 March 1906 to Fri 16 March 1906

Volume 16, Pages 35 to 36


2nd Sunday in Lent, March 11th, 1906.

A wet and windy morning, and only 21 communicants at 8 a.m., when I celebrated. I used the Embertide Collect, with especial reference to Walters, who is being ordained this morning at S. Paul's. It carries me back, 19 years, to that lovely summer's morning in Cuddesdon when I was myself ordained. I read the Gospel, and so will Walters. May God bless him in his work here, and help me to do my duty by him!

I preached on the Christian Law of Marriage – a difficult subject enough in these days.

Accompanied by Murray, Harold, & Gilbert, I went to Poplar, and spoke on "Religion & Democracy" in the Poplar Town Hall. Mr Wm Crooks M.P. was in the chair, & another Labour Member was on the platform. The Choir of Ilford Hospital was present.

The day had proved too faithful to its evil promise, & the evening was blustering & rainy. In spite of the weather, a considerable congregation collected in S. Margaret's; & I preached on the Temptation of Christ. I was particularly struck by the number which stayed for the little after–service.


On Monday, March 12th, 1906, I received a letter from the Bishop of Southwark, enclosing a copy of his Lordship's communication to his Diocese on the subject of Education.

I seized the opportunity of writing in reply a frank expression of my sense of the impolicy of the Bishops.

I also wrote to Birrell urging him to maintain the Denominational Colleges.

On Wednesday morning I sprained my ankle slightly by stepping carelessly out of my bath. I made matters worse by walking with Inge on the Embankment; when I got in, after my walk, I was in much pain, & could not attend Rashdall's Lecture.

On Thursday and Friday I remained within doors, and did what work I could.

On Friday evening I wrote a letter to Mr Bunting, in answer to one from him in which he had asked me to write on "Fundamental Christianity", enclosing for my reading an article of his own on "Nonconformists in Parliament".