The Henson Journals

Sun 14 January 1906

Volume 16, Page 16


2nd Sunday after Epiphany, January 14th, 1906.

The day was fine at the start. I went to S. Margaret's at 8 a.m., and celebrated the Holy Communion. There were but 18 commts including Harry & his sister. Then I went to the Abbey, and introduced Rashdall to the Archdeacon: they are both exultant over the Liberal victories at Manchester, where the late Prime Minister is reported to have been defeated by a large majority.

At Mattins I read the service; Albert played the organ; and Welldon preached the sermon. The last was a very trying performance. With his usual colossal tactlessness, he referred again & again to the Elections, & this at such a time, & in a church which avowedly stands outside politics. Rashdall declaimed at length in the Abbey on the vexed & vexing topic of Education.

In the afternoon I walked down the Embankment & back with Beeching.

At Evensong there was a very large congregation. I preached on "The Name Christian".