The Henson Journals

Sun 26 November 1905 to Thu 7 December 1905

Volume 15, Pages 461 to 462


23rd Sunday after Trinity, November 26th, 1905.

A warm, wet day. I went to S. Margaret's at 8 a.m., and celebrated the Holy Communion. Before the Prayer for the Church Militant, I called for prayers for Frank Campbell. He went under an operation yesterday, and is seriously ill. There were but 14 communicants.

At Mattins, the Precentor preached, & Blackmore sang the service. I remained indoors and revised for use two old sermons, there having been no time this week to write fresh ones.

Murray came to lunch.

There was a large congregation in the Abbey at 3 p.m. I preached from Psalm. XVII. 18.

The weather deteriorated as the evening drew on, and I went to S. Margaret's for Evensong through rain at [sic] storm. In spite of the elements a considerable congregation assembled; I preached from S. Matthew VI. 24; and at the conclusion of my sermon asked that names of Confirmation Candidates should be sent in.

Murray, Custard, and Ellison came to supper.


On Monday November 27th 1905 I baptized Margaret Jean Maconochie.

On Wednesday November 29th 1905 I shewed Buff Murray and her mother over the Abbey. We were accompanied by Miss Oxford and two pretty Americans. In the evening I introduced a discussion on 'Inspiration' at Paddington.

On Thursday, Nov: 30th 1905 I preached at S. Andrew's, Westminster, it being the Jubilee of that Church & parish.

On Friday Dec. 1st 1905 I preached in Bow Church.

On Dec. 3rd (Advent Sunday) Lord Milner wrote to say that Sir Clinton Dawkins was dead. He was waiting for me after service to make arrangements for the funeral.

On Monday Dec. 4th Frank Campbell died.

On Tuesday, Dec. 5th I lunched with Raleigh after the Golden Lecture.

On Wednesday Dec. 6th Sir C. Dawkins was buried at 10.30: the service being in S. Margaret's. Bp. Of Stepney, Beeching & I officiated.

At 2.30 I married Lord Willoughby de Eresby & Miss Elöise Breeze. The Duke & Duchess of Connaught, Princess Patricia, the American Ambassador, & the Earl & Countess of Ancaster signed the Register.

I dined with the Past Overseers' Society, & proposed the toast of the Evening.

On Thursday, Dec. 7th Frank Campbell was buried, the service being in S. Margaret's; Welldon & I officiated.

On Saturday Dec. 9 I dined with Sir H. Craik.