The Henson Journals

Sun 12 November 1905 to Sat 18 November 1905

Volume 15, Pages 457 to 458


21st Sunday after Trinity, November 12th, 1905.

I celebrated at 8 a.m. After breakfast I handed my Preacher (Tennant) over to the Dean in Jericho, and myself went to S. Margaret's where a large congregation assembled to hear the Bishop of Stepney plead for his Fund. I read the Lessons and the Litany, Lang preached an excellent sermon, and the collection exceeded £64.

There was a very large congregation at 3 p.m. in the Abbey. Among the rest were the members of the New Zealand Football team, which has been carrying all before it during the last few weeks. As it was Baxter's Birthday, I preached on the great Puritan.

At Evensong there was a large congregation in S. Margaret's. I preached in advocacy of the East London Church Fund. The Offertory, which exceeded £17. was the largest yet received for that object.

Mr Rutt came in to supper.


On Monday. Nov: 13th, 1905, a very important Chapter Meeting was held, at which I presented the Report on the relations of Dean & Canons under our Constitution. The Dean read a brief statement which seemed to indicate conflict: & after some discussion a Special Chapter to meet on Dec. 11th was appointed.

On Tuesday I delivered the first of my "Golden Lectures" on "Authority in Religion" in S. Margaret's, Lothbury. There had been some confusion about announcements, so that only about 26 men attended. Moreover, the day was rainy.

On Thursday, Nov: 16th, I preached in S. Paul's to the Federation of Working Men's Social Clubs. There was a fair attendance. I preached on the lessons of the Russian Revolution.

In the "Christian World" issued today, there appeared an article by me on "The Prospects of Christian Reunion".

On Saturday. Nov. 18th there appeared a brief but not unfriendly notice of "Moral Discipline in the Christian Church".

Lord Lytton called me to ask me to baptize his child: we had an interesting conversation anent the Unemployed.