The Henson Journals
Sun 23 April 1905
Volume 15, Pages 421 to 422
Easter Day, April 23rd, 1905.
A brilliant day tailing off disappointingly towards nightfall. The total number of communicants numbered 395 viz: at 7 a.m. 49: at 8 a.m. 135: at 11 a.m., 208. This is an increase of 8 over last Easter: and of 13 over the Easter before that. The congregation at the Choral Celebration was very large, and evidently composed of sight-seers in great part. I had to intervene in order to arrest the stampede after the hymn, while the collection was yet proceeding. The offertories were un-wontedly small all day. I preached twice; both sermons were of an apologetic but mildly heretical character: a circumstance fairly balanced by an outburst of orthodoxy from 'the Holy Sheep' at S. Paul's.
An interesting and detailed account of life in Westminster School during the years 1830 to 1839 will be found in vol: 1. of Half a Life by George Webbe Dasent, D.C.L. Author of "Annals of an Eventful Life", "Three to one" etc. etc. in three volumes. London: Chapman & Hall, 193, Piccadilly, 1874[.]