The Henson Journals

Sun 5 February 1905

Volume 15, Page 404


5th Sunday after Epiphany, February 5th, 1905.

A warm but rather languid day. I celebrated at 8 a.m. there were 29 commts. Only 8 boys attended the special celebration at 9 a.m.: there were 80 commts at the 12.30 making a total of 117 for the day.

I preached two sermons which had been preached in the Abbey as recently as Nov: 1903. It will be curious to see if anybody recognizes them.

There seemed a fair congregation, but the offertory was disappointingly small. Amongst others I noticed Lady Frances Balfour, Frank Pember, & Buchanan in church.

At Evensong there was a large congregation, among which I noticed the Bishop of Dover, & several clergy.

Custard came to supper. Offertory £6.6.6.