The Henson Journals

Mon 21 November 1904

Volume 15, Pages 370 to 373


Monday, November 21st, 1904.

At noon Lord Peel unveiled the Farrar medallion presented by his old curates. A considerable company assembled in S. Margaret's: & Lord Peel spoke very well. Then we had to luncheon that good man, the Dean, & the donors.


Isbister & Co sent copies of "Notes on Popular Rationalism" to the following:-

  1. [symbol] Dean of Canterbury
  2. [symbol] " " " Salisbury
  3. [symbol] " " " Lincoln
  4. Canon Bertram
  5. [symbol] The Dean
  6. [symbol] " Sub-dean
  7. [symbol] Bishop Welldon
  8. Wilberforce
  9. [symbol] Beeching
  10. Bp. of Stepney
  11. Sir Wm Anson
  12. [symbol] Raleigh
  13. Gow
  14. [symbol] Admiral Rolfe
  15. [symbol] Fedarb
  16. [symbol] Eyre
  17. Abp. of Canterbury
  18. " " York
  19. Bp. of London.
  20. J. G. Talbot.
  21. [symbol] Rashdall
  22. [symbol] Archdeacon of Winchester

I myself gave copies to

  1. Kirshbaum
  2. Sherwood
  3. Knowling Sr
  4. H. Gritten
  5. Sir E. Russell
  6. Lund.
  7. Masterman
  8. Reichel



Gore sent me his "Primary Charge", which will hardly reassure thoughtful people. It is surprisingly medieval in tone & even in style: and the brutal crudity of ecclesiastical self-assertion seems designed to make negociation [sic] with non-episcopalians finally impossible, and to win the approval of the Ritualist faction. The Charge is an explicit repudiation of the very idea of a National Church, and is almost a declaration in favour of disestablishment. The IVth division of the Charge deals with Clerical subscription: and is almost perversely obscurantist. I wrote a rather long letter to Gore privately, rather than dealt with him publicly, though the latter course may become necessary.


Cost of the Dinner in Jerusalem Chamber.

November 30th 1904

18 persons.

The dinner (Deanery Cook's Statement) 6. 7. 6
Wine (Butler's Statement) 4. 13. 0
Hire of glass, plant &c, Waiting &c. 5. 17. 6
Flowers & washing of Table-cloths . 9. 4
Printing . 18. 0
Cigars & cigarettes 1. 0. 0
Gratuities to Deanery Servants 2. 0. 0
" Chapter Butler 1. 0. 0
£ 22. 5. 4

Contributions levied by the Steward.

The Dean 6. 7. 2
The Sub-Dean 3. 3. 7
The Archdeacon 3. 3. 7
The Steward 3. 3. 7
The Bishop 3. 3. 7
The Treasurer 3. 3. 7
£22. 5. 1

Issues and controversies: disestablishment; recognition of/reunion with non-episcopal churches