The Henson Journals

Fri 21 October 1904

Volume 15, Page 349


Friday, October 21st, 1904.

Sermon all the morning. I mean to speak quite plainly about Daniel, since we have the legends both morning & evening for lessons.

Stafford Northcote lunched here &, then, took me to see the monument to Farrar, which he & the other curates of S. Margaret's under Farrar, design to erect in the porch. I was shocked & amazed to see a huge thing - 6ft: by 4 - no plans had been sent me beforehand, & certainly no suspicion of anything more than a moderate medallion, such as commemorates Stokes, & Ruskin in the Abbey, ever crossed my mind. Even Northcote seemed daunted by the size.

Harold Knowling started working for me as Edwin's successor. He certainly writes a better hand & is quicker.